Pinewood Christian Academy
1 Buck Cravey Drive
Bellville, GA 30414
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View School's Web Site (For additional directions/addresses)
From Sandersville, take SR15 South through Tennille, Wrightsville, and Adrian. Before you get to Soperton, you will cross over I-16. Turn left from SR15 onto the I-16 Eastbound Ramp towards Savannah. Travel east on I-16 for approximately 25 miles. Exit I-16 at the SR57 interchange. Turn right from the I-16 Ramp onto SR57 South. Travel through Cobbtown. Then you will come to Collins, where you turn left from SR57 onto SR292. Go east approximately 10 miles on SR292 to Bellville. Go through the center of Bellville (the center of Bellville being the intersection of SR292 and SR 169). Continue on SR292 for a couple of blocks after passing the SR169 intersection. Pinewood will be located on your left (one block over from SR292). Allow 2 hours for travel time.